This STRUCPRIME2_README.txt file was generated on 2023/07/21 by Christina Kim. ------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- 1. Structural Priming in Dialogues between Native and Non-native Speakers and Speakers of Different Varieties of English 2. Author Information Principal Investigator Contact Information Name: Christina S. Kim Institution: University of Kent Address: Modern Languages and Linguistics, Cornwallis North West, CT2 7NF Email: Co-investigator Contact Information Name: Gloria Chamorro Institution: Universidad de Educación a Distancia Address: Facultad de Filología, Paseo Senda del Rey 7, despacho 003, 28040 Madrid Email: 3. Dates of data collection: 2021/05/17 - 2021/12/16 4. Geographic location of data collection: Canterbury, UK 5. Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: Division of Arts and Humanities IRIF research grant to CSK --------------------- DATA & FILE OVERVIEW --------------------- 1. File List A. Filename: SP4.txt Short description: Tab-delimited text file. Coded responses of native Spanish speakers describing illustrations depicting ditransitive events in English. B. Filename: SP5.txt Short description: Tab-delimited text file. Coded responses of British English speakers describing illustrations depicting ditransitive events. C. Filename: SP4_pre_posttest.txt Short description: Tab-delimited text file. Responses of participants to pre-test and post-test questions collected immediately before and after the test session that generated data in SP4.txt. Pre-test questions are from the Peninsular Spanish version of the Language Experience and Proficiency Questionnaire (LEAP-Q). Marian, Blumenfeld, & Kaushanskaya (2007). The Language Experience and Proficiency Questionnaire (LEAP-Q): Assessing language profiles in bilinguals and multilingual. Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research, 50(4), 940-967. Translation by Puig-Mayenco, Rothman, & Gonzalez-Alonso (2016). D. Filename: SP5_pre_posttest.txt Short description: Tab-delimited text file. Responses of participants to pre-test and post-test questions collected immediately before and after the test session that generated data in SP5.txt. 2. Relationship between files: The files contain data collected for a series of behavioural experiments involving dialogue between English speaking participants (either native British English speakers or native Spanish speakers speaking English) and a confederate (communicating via an audio-only/camera-off video conferencing call). Experiment 1 generated SP4.txt and SP4_posttest.txt. Experiment 2 generated SP5.txt and SP5_posttest.txt. 3. Additional related data collected that was not included in the current data package: Norming data was collected for the verbs used in Experiments 1-2, to determine the extent to which each verb was biased toward usage in the double object or the prepositional dative form. 4. Are there multiple versions of the dataset? No -------------------------- METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Description of methods used for collection/generation of data: The manuscript reporting this data is under review. Contact for methodological details. 2. Methods for processing the data: Raw data (audio recordings of test sessions) were transcribed by research assistants, and coded by research assistants or experimenters (see details below in Data-Specific Information). Data was anonymised, with individual participants identified by participant ID. 3. Instrument- or software-specific information needed to interpret the data: n/a 4. Standards and calibration information, if appropriate: n/a 5. Environmental/experimental conditions: Sessions were run using Microsoft Teams, with an experimenter, participant and confederate joining each Teams call from their own computers. Calls were audio only, and were recorded with participants' consent. For Experiment 1, participants were recruited from IP addresses in Spain, using the web-based experiment distribution platform Prolific. For Experiment 2, participants were recruited from the University of Kent student community. 6. Describe any quality-assurance procedures performed on the data: Participants who were determined not to be native Spanish speakers (for Experiment 1) or native British English speakers (for Experiment 2) after they had participated were excluded from the data. 7. People involved with sample collection, processing, analysis and/or submission: A total of nine undergraduate research assistant assisted in collecting, transcribing, and/or coding the data across the two experiments. CSK and GC created the visual stimuli, oversaw processing and coding of the data, interpreted results, and drafted the manuscript for submission. CSK carried out data analysis. -------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: SP4.txt -------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 12 2. Number of cases/rows: 12216 3. Variable List A. Name: participantID Description: Integer from 1-72 identifying each participant. B. Name: listID Description: Integer from 1-3 identifying the list assigned to each participant. Lists had different pseudorandom orders for the stimuli but were otherwise identical to each other. C. Name: blockID Description: Integer from 1-2 identifying whether the data point is from block 1 or 2 of the experiment. D. Name: group Description: The name of the group the participant was assigned to. Possible values: EN (native English speaker), SP (native Spanish speaker), SL (native Slovak speaker). E. Name: cycleID Description: The cycle number. An integer between 1-129. A cycle consists of one participant turn and one confederate turn. F. Name: trialID Description: The trial number. An integer between 1-258. G. Name: trialType Description: Indicates whether the participant described an illustration ("describe") or listened to a confederate describe an illustration ("respond"). Describe turns alternated with respond turns. H. Name: itemID Description: Integer between 1-30 identifying the item (illustration, verb pair). Items 1-30 are test items involving ditransitive verbs. I. Name: verb Description: The verb used in that trial. J. Name: response Description: Codes whether the response produced by the participant was a double object (1) or a prepositional dative (0) sentence. K. Name: PD_advantage Description: A value between 0 and 1 indicating a verb's bias in favour of the prepositional dative form over the double object form; calculated for each verb by subtracting the proportion of double object descriptions in the norming study from the proportion of prepositional dative descriptions. 4. Missing data codes: Trials with missing or incomplete data were excluded from the dataset. 5. Specialized formats of other abbreviations used n/a -------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: SP5.txt -------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 12 2. Number of cases/rows: 12216 3. Variable List A. Name: participantID Description: Integer from 1-60 identifying each participant. B. Name: listID Description: Integer from 1-3 identifying the list assigned to each participant. Lists had different pseudorandom orders for the stimuli but were otherwise identical to each other. C. Name: blockID Description: Integer from 1-2 identifying whether the data point is from block 1 or 2 of the experiment. D. Name: group Description: The name of the group the participant was assigned to. Possible values: SE (English speaker from South-east England), IR (English speaker from Ireland). E. Name: cycleID Description: The cycle number. An integer between 1-129. A cycle consists of one participant turn and one confederate turn. F. Name: trialID Description: The trial number. An integer between 1-258. G. Name: trialType Description: Indicates whether the participant described an illustration ("describe") or listened to a confederate describe an illustration ("respond"). Describe turns alternated with respond turns. H. Name: itemID Description: Integer between 1-30 identifying the item (illustration, verb pair). Items 1-30 are test items involving ditransitive verbs. I. Name: verb Description: The verb used in that trial. J. Name: response Description: Codes whether the response produced by the participant was a double object (1) or a prepositional dative (0) sentence. K. Name: PD_advantage Description: A value between 0 and 1 indicating a verb's bias in favour of the prepositional dative form over the double object form; calculated for each verb by subtracting the proportion of double object descriptions in the norming study from the proportion of prepositional dative descriptions. 4. Missing data codes: Trials with missing or incomplete data were excluded from the dataset. 5. Specialized formats of other abbreviations used n/a --------------------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: SP4_pre_posttest.txt --------------------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 14 2. Number of cases/rows: 72 3. Variable List A. Name: participantID Description: Integer from 1-60 identifying each participant. B. Name: pre_LangSpoken Description: Number of languages spoken by the participant. Value calculated from pre-test question "Please list all the languages you know in order of dominance [for example: (1) Spanish, (2) English]." C. Name: pre_Accent Description: Response to pre-test question "In your perception, how much of a foreign accent do you have in English?". Possible responses: 0 - none, 1 - almost none, 2 - very light, 3 - light, 4 - some, 5 - moderate, 6 - considerable, 7 - heavy, 8 - very heavy, 9 - XXX, 10 - XXX. D. Name: pre_Speaking Description: Response to pre-test question "Select your level of proficiency in SPEAKING English". Possible responses: 0 - XXX, 1 - XXX, 2 - XXX, 3 - fair, 4 - slightly less than adequate, 5 - adequate, 6 - slightly more than adequate, 7 - good, 8 - very good, 9 - excellent, 10 - perfect. E. Name: pre_Comprehension Description: Response to pre-test question "Select your level of proficiency in UNDERSTANDING SPOKEN English". Possible responses: 0 - XXX, 1 - XXX, 2 - XXX, 3 - fair, 4 - slightly less than adequate, 5 - adequate, 6 - slightly more than adequate, 7 - good, 8 - very good, 9 - excellent, 10 - perfect. F. Name: pre_CurrentExposure Description: Response to pre-test question "How much are you currently exposed to English when INTERACTING WITH FRIENDS?". Possible responses: o - never, 1 - almost never, 2, 3, 4, 5 - half the time, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 - always. G. Name: pre_Identifiability Description: Response to pre-test question "How frequently do others identify you as a non-native speaker based on your accent in English?". Possible responses: 0 - never, 1 - almost never, 3, 4, 5 - half the time, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 - always. H. Name: post_Q1 Description: Response to post-test question 1 "Did you find the speaker easy to understand?". Possible responses: "Very easy" (VeryEasy), "Somewhat easy" (Easy), "Somewhat hard" (Hard), "Very hard" (VeryHard). I. Name: post_Q2 Description: Response to post-test question 2 "How would you describe how the speaker used language?". Possible responses: "Didn't know English well" (A), "Knew English well but said some things differently than I would" (B), "Spoke pretty similarly to me" (C). J. Name: post_Q3 Description: Response to post-test question 3 "How likely do you think it is that the speaker was a native English speaker?". Possible responses: 1-5 (1="very unlikely"; 5="highly likely"). K. Name: post_Q4 Description: Response to post-test question 4 "If you lived in the same town, do you think you and the speaker would have the same group of friends?". Possible responses: 1-5 (1="very unlikely"; 5="highly likely"). L. Name: post_Q5 Description: Response to post-test question 5 "Did the speaker talk similarly to you?". Possible responses: 1-5 ("1="strongly disagree"; 5="strongly agree"). M. Name: post_Q6 Description: Response to post-test question 6 "Do you think you and the speaker have similar interests?". Possible responses: 1-5 (1="very unlikely"; 5="highly likely"). N. Name: post_Q7 Description: Response to post-test question 7 "Do you think you and the speaker have similar backgrounds (for example, family, education)?". Possible responses: 1-5 (1="very unlikely"; 5="highly likely"). 4. Missing data codes: n/a 5. Specialized formats of other abbreviations used n/a --------------------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: SP5_pre_posttest.txt --------------------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 14 2. Number of cases/rows: 72 3. Variable List A. Name: participantID Description: Integer from 1-60 identifying each participant. B. Name: pre_Q1 Description: Response to pre-test question 1 "Did you find the speaker easy to understand?". Possible responses: "Very easy" (VeryEasy), "Somewhat easy" (Easy), "Somewhat hard" (Hard), "Very hard" (VeryHard). C. Name: pre_Q2 Description: Response to pre-test question 2 "If you lived in the same town, do you think you and the speaker would have the same group of friends?". Possible responses: 1-5 (1="very unlikely"; 5="highly likely"). D. Name: preQ3 Description: Response to pre-test question 3 "Did the speaker talk similarly to you?". Possible responses: 1-5 ("1="strongly disagree"; 5="strongly agree"). E. Name: pre_Q4 Description: Response to pre-test question 4 "Do you think you and the speaker have similar interests?". Possible responses: 1-5 (1="very unlikely"; 5="highly likely"). F. Name: pre_Q5 Description: Response to pre-test question 5 "Do you think you and the speaker have similar backgrounds (for example, family, education)?". Possible responses: 1-5 (1="very unlikely"; 5="highly likely"). G. Name: post_Q1 Description: Response to post-test question 1 "Did you find the speaker easy to understand?". Possible responses: "Very easy" (VeryEasy), "Somewhat easy" (Easy), "Somewhat hard" (Hard), "Very hard" (VeryHard). H. Name: post_Q2 Description: Response to post-test question 2 "If you lived in the same town, do you think you and the speaker would have the same group of friends?". Possible responses: 1-5 (1="very unlikely"; 5="highly likely"). I. Name: post_Q3 Description: Response to post-test question 3 "Did the speaker talk similarly to you?". Possible responses: 1-5 ("1="strongly disagree"; 5="strongly agree"). J. Name: post_Q4 Description: Response to post-test question 4 "Do you think you and the speaker have similar interests?". Possible responses: 1-5 (1="very unlikely"; 5="highly likely"). K. Name: post_Q5 Description: Response to post-test question 5 "Do you think you and the speaker have similar backgrounds (for example, family, education)?". Possible responses: 1-5 (1="very unlikely"; 5="highly likely"). L. Name: pre_km Description: Participant's pre-test estimate of the geographical distance between their hometown and the speaker's (confederate). Participants indicated their responses as coordinates on Google Maps. Distance in kilometres was calculated by an experimenter. M. Name: post_km Description: Participant's post-test estimate of the geographical distance between their hometown and the speaker's (confederate). Participants indicated their responses as coordinates on Google Maps. Distance in kilometres was calculated by an experimenter. 4. Missing data codes: n/a 5. Specialized formats of other abbreviations used n/a