Part V of Adam Matthew Digital’s Eighteenth-Century Journals (ECJ) subscription online resource. Eighteenth-Century Journals V offers a complete and full-text searchable digitisation of the Lady’s Magazine (1770-1832) with secondary resources. Jennie Batchelor was Consultant Editor for Eighteenth-Century Journals V and the author of its scholarly introduction. ECJ V also features (on open access, not behind the subscription paywall) ‘The Lady’s Magazine Index’, co-authored with Koenraad Claes and Jenny DiPlacidi. The ‘Index’ was a key output of Batchelor’s Leverhulme Trust funded ‘Lady’s Magazine (1770-1818): The Emergence of a Genre’ project (2014-16). Adam Matthew converted Batchelor’s Excel database into a web database as an additional resource in ECJ V.